So whether you like to lace up your boots and take to the field of play, or simply prefer to cheer on your favourite athletes and teams from the comfort of the bleachers, the following ideas can enhance your sporting experience. For players

Equipment design. Breakthroughs in technology have allowed for smarter design of sportswear and equipment, with greater aerodynamics and intelligent weighting helping to improve the performance of athletes in a wide range of sporting disciplines. What’s more, tech has also boosted safety in sports, from driving tools to helmets. Nutrition and training. Whether it’s our expanded knowledge of how good nutrition fuels the body better or the development of apps and platforms that can analyze our exercise routines, tech has certainly upped our game when it comes to preparing ourselves physically and mentally. Tech has proven to be something of a double-edged sword when it comes to promoting fairness within sports. Although advances in science have allowed drug cheats like Lance Armstrong to prosper, tech has also risen to the challenge of catching these rule-breakers in the act. Funding for the little guy. Most sports do cost money to play – and in the capitalist world in which we live, the bigger and more successful teams and athletes often hoover up the majority of revenue. However, the internet has been an invaluable asset in giving the little guy a platform to be heard and to access funding.

For the fans

Access to arenas. Technological advances have been instrumental in automating ticket sales and ensuring everyone is able to get to their seat on time to watch the big match. What’s more, smart design of stadia gives all fans a decent view of the action, guaranteeing everyone has as good a time as possible. Whether it’s fantasy football or online cricket betting which floats your boat, technology has united the worlds of sports and gaming in new and ever more enjoyable ways. Games like FIFA and Football Manager even allow armchair fans to immerse themselves in the sport and take charge of their favourite football teams like never before. Televised events. There was a time not all that long ago when the only time to watch the big game was to attend it in person. Of course, such events have a limited capacity, meaning plenty of fans would be left disappointed. Fast forward to the present day, however, and more sports are being televised (in high-definition!) than ever before. Nowadays, a fan can access any information they want to regarding a certain sport or event through the internet. From understanding the finer points of rules and regulations to keeping up to date with all the latest stats and new stories, the age of digital information gives us a greater understanding and a closer connection to sports.

There are a myriad of ways in which technology has made sporting disciplines that much better for those who practice them and those who spectate. These are just a handful. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also stay up to date using the Gadget Bridge Android App. You can find the latest car and bike news here.

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