Telegram already allows users to send animated and interactive emoji. The new Telegram update now makes these emoji become available as reactions to share feelings and feedback – without sending any messages. You can change your default reaction to another emoji in Settings. Android: Chat Settings > Quick Reaction. iOS: Stickers and Emoji > Quick Reaction. According to the instant messaging app, In private chat rooms, reactions are always on. Admins decide whether or not to enable reactions in groups and channels, as well as which reaction emoji are available in chat. This opens the door to a variety of feedback mechanisms, ranging from simple likes to upvote and downvote systems and beyond. Admins can control reactions via their group or channel’s Info Page > Edit > Reactions. For more feedback options, try channel comments and our powerful polls. With support for hidden text (spoilers) of Telegram now users will be able to hide the content of the message. To do that select any part of your text when typing and choose the new ‘Spoiler’ formatting. This will hide the selected part of the message in the chat, as well as in the chat list and notifications. Tap the spoiler to reveal its text when you’re ready to see what’s hidden. Whereas the in-app translation feature on the app to translate any message into another language. To enable Translations go to Settings > Language adds a dedicated Translate button to the context menu when selecting a message. You can also choose to exclude any languages in which you are fluent, in which case the translate button will be disabled for those messages. According to the company, on Android devices that support Telegram, translation is available, but on Apple devices, iOS 15+ is required. The languages that are available are determined by the operating system on your phone. As the new Telegram update drops on devices QR codes can be generated for any user with a public username. This also applies to groups, channels, and bots, making it simple to show off your favourite blog or fan club to others. Tap the new QR code icon next to the username of a person (or from a chat’s info page), choose the colours and pattern that fit best, then print, post or share your QR code to other apps. A QR code for your own username can be obtained in Settings. Telegram for macOS’s context menus have been redesigned, with new shortcut hints and beautiful animated icons for each menu item. New interactive versions of emojis have also been added to the popular messaging app. Send any of them to your partner in one-on-one chats, then tap to activate a full-screen effect for both of you. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also stay up to date using the Gadget Bridge Android App. You can find the latest car and bike news here.

New Telegram update   Introduces quick reactions  message translation - 88New Telegram update   Introduces quick reactions  message translation - 36